

0. a space

what kind of emotions do spaces elicit?

1. the properties

kevin lynch - the image of the city

2. maps

physical maps
cognitive maps
semantic maps

3. movement

in real-life
in virtual reality

4. serendipity


5. formal aspects

formal components of space
- dimensions
- materials
- movement
- patterns
- unity

6. space as story

a story is an anecdote with a point

7. proteus

"You break walks into chapters […] this is the time when we were starting off in the car, this is the bit before the bridge and the bit after the bridge, and the bit where it was really hard going and the bit where it was a nice path or something, and the bit where it rained… it’s not a particularly deep thought, [it’s just] the narrative tendency of… of applying a structure to an experience, without necessarily it being explicitly structured.”
- Ed Key

8. media environments

how do we depict space
in text?
in film?
in sound?

9. digital environments pt. 2

- procedural
- participatory
- spatial
- encyclopedic

10. immersion

what is immersion?

11. immersion pt. 2

- constant learning
- transitional interactions
- danger in safety (flow)
- elusiveness

12. suspension

- the magic circle
- the white cube
- the fourth wall

13. exercise

group exercise -
sketch out a digital environment using:
- procedural / participatory / spatial / encyclopedic
- paths / edges / areas / nodes / landmarks
- dimensions / materials / movement / pattern / unity
describe from a subjective point of view

14. myron

designing responsive environments
glowflow (sculpture vs. environment)
metaplay (emergence)
maze (process = encyclopedic and procedural)
videoplace (playground more rich and variable)

15. myron 2

"We are incredibly attuned to the idea that the sole purpose of our technology is to solve problems. It also creates concepts and philosophy. We must more fully explore these aspects of our inventions, because the next generation of technology will speak to us, understand us, and perceive our behaviour. It will enter every home and office and intercede between us and much of the information and experience we receive. The design of such intimate technology is an aesthetic issue as much as an egineering one. We must recognize this if we are to understand and choose what we become as a result of what we have made."

16. homework

- download github client
- download rhino demo / borrow IM laptop