

0. housekeeping

VR monitors
VR studio access
crit group!
crit group is cool you should come

1. hw - unity

show your work!
how to upload your work

2. hw - interaction

an interaction you like

3. what

what makes a good interaction?

4. the poetics of interactivity - I

the poetics of interactivity
egalitarian / metainteractive
three levels of interaction

5. the poetics of interactivity - II

"the distinctive feature of late twentieth century virtual environments is the penetration of the gaze inside 'worlds that are otherwise inaccessible by virtue of their two-dimensional scale, solidity, immateriality or imaginariness"

7. performance art

marina abramovic
pippin barr
amalia uhlman

8. relational art

relational art
"a set of artistic practices which take as their theoretical and practical point of departure the whole of human relations and their social context, rather than an independent and private space."
"the role of artworks is no longer to form imaginary and utopian realities, but to actually be ways of living and models of action within the existing real, whatever scale chosen by the artist."
collective meaning-making

9. actors

the artist/developer/designer
the public/actor
the system

10. ant

actor-network theory
bruno latour

11. space

realizing space / presence
interactable space
non-interactable space

12. time

interaction time
narration time
processed time

13. completion

data intensive
process intensive
emotion intensive

14. recap

interactivity is reciprocally active, acting upon or influencing each other

15. practice

themes are
- feedback (what happens?)
- personas (who are the actors?)
- physical and cognitive (why do you do it?)
- data/process/emotion intensive